Medium will pay you $2.27 per month if I sign up for Medium on a monthly basis. It's $2.01 per month if I sign up for the annual subscription.
But setting aside that specific amount, yes this could be covered by the remainder of your MPP earnings through member read time if I exclusively read your content...but why would someone want to pay you just to read your articles (if they read other articles on Medium from other authors enrolled in the MPP, this would dilute your MPP earnings significantly)...
Also, Medium does not disclose the current value of one member only reading your content, but I'm assuming they now take the affiliate commission into account, meaning the highest dollar "reads" are certainly less than the ~$4.00 "unicorn reads" that I had occasionally's probably less than $2.50 and again, this person would have to basically just read your articles and not enjoy anything else on Medium) so I'm not really how this scheme would work out for anyone